it wouldn't be so bad,
to swim along alone
on the paths the twofish tread.
If I were a twofish,
I'm sure that I could find-
another kindred twofish
to share the same mind.
But no, you'll never find me
treading the same ponds,
swimming in the waters
of which twofish are so fond.
And you won't see me splashing
around in the same lakes
where onefish live so happily
despite their lack of mates.
Instead you'll find me dreaming
up on their grassy banks,
on every ivory coast,
near the oceans- on the lands.
You'll find me watching gladly
as all the fish swim by.
You'll find me being thankful
for the way I lead my life.
For twofish may be happy-
and onefish may be glad,
but being' nofish at all
is the best life ever had.